Created for the

Secondary Teacher NGSS Boot Camp

at OSU Cascades on May 30, 2015

Next Generation Science Standards: 

Understanding and Preparing for Change

NGSS have three dimensions that are integrated to reflect how science and engineering are practiced. The three dimensions are science and engineering practices (SEPs), crosscutting concepts (CCs) and disciplinary core ideas (DCIs). This is different from how science was traditionally taught and learned.

 You Have Come a Long Way Baby

The NGSS are STANDARDS not Curriculum. They consist of three dimensions which guide teachers to provide their students with integrative and connected science education. Understanding the relationship between the dimensions is key to teaching science. Click here to see to navigate to NGSS Structure from the NGSS website.

NGSS has a teaching channel with videos explaining the three dimensions and how they relate to each other. Further information can be found by clicking here.

Activity -NGSS vs ODE 

Interested in how the NGSS stack up to what you have been teaching? ODE has published the NGSS 'crosswalked' with the Oregon 2009 Science standards. Here is the link! The 2009 ODE standards are what will be assessed for the 2015-16 school year using OAKS. And the new NGSS assessments? Not yet folks :)

Engineering Design Process

NASA's BEST Series is a good model to guide you and your students through the EDP. They provide resources to help you use the process in your classroom.

Becoming Familiar with the Engineering Design Process is Important! NASA makes it easy with these resources. Click the red text.

You Asked For It!

The NASA Educators Guide for Rockets can be found by clicking here. This curriculum uses the engineering design process (EDP) and reinforces student learning of NGSS Science and Engineering Practices. Fun and educational!

You Asked For It!

NASA is totally supportive of helping educators integrate NGSS into their classrooms. If you click here, you can see a small sampling of activities that are truly hands-on and minds-on.

You Asked For It!

For the Oregon Trail Raft EDP, complete with all the handouts. Just click here, the download is free.

You Asked For It!

The Engineering Design Process used as a Switcheroo Game. Cut out the circles on this PDF file and shuffle. Have students place each of the six steps of the process in the order they are used.

EDPforK-3 (2).pdf EDPforK-3 (2).pdf
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Type : pdf

NGSS Build on Integrated Conceptual Learning K-12

All students learn at every grade level. There is a progression of science and engineering skills, practices, ideas, and content that focuses on deep understanding and practical application. It is a dynamic learning process that builds throughout a student's K-12 education.

Getting to Know the Sequence

If you teach Middle School students in Oregon, the science grade level sequence has been uploaded for you. Click on the link below. Look at how the sequence differs from what you have taught in the past. It is important to know the teachers in higher grades depend on you to teach your grade level standards.Your students depend on you to help them learn the standards so they can advance their understanding of science and engineering.

ms-grade-level-sequence.docx ms-grade-level-sequence.docx
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What's NEW to You?

As you look through the new middle school grade level sequence, what new topics are you responsible to teach? What topics do you no longer cover? What resources do you need to be able to do this? Remember, this is a transition, choose a few topics that you feel you can translate into learning. Make them your PD goal for 2015-16.

New to Everyone!

I have been so impressed with the teachers who have attended these NGSS inquiries! Giving up Saturdays at the end of a school year speaks to their dedication. Here is the ODE Suggested Timeline for School Districts in the adoption of NGSS with suggested PD inserted below. Just click on the uploaded file to view the file. You can see NGSS alignment and integration will be new for EVERYONE!

Classroom Sample Tasks aka Assessments

What does a 'classroom task' or assessment look like? NGSS has examples to help you understand what your students need to know.

Sample Middle School Classroom Tasks

How these are different from traditional tests.

You Asked For It!

Kidwind offers FREE PD in the fall where you learn how to engineer alternative energy windmills. The webiste can be found by clicking here. A regional competition of Kidwind usually happens in early winter. Middle School students and HS students are the intended participants.

You Asked For It!

PBS Design Squad has fantastic lesson plans to help your students learn the EDP! Each challenge has teacher notes, and student handouts along with an interview with an engineer who uses EDP in their chosen vocation. Many EDP challenges appropriate for all ages.